Resin flooring specification - avoiding headaches by getting project ready

Today’s post continues the series I wrote for my decorative resin flooring brand, Floorchef, which was aimed at helping architects, interior designers and other specifiers avoid common flooring specification headaches. 

At this point you should now have the right applicator (Right Applicator) using the right brand (Right Brand) of the right resin flooring technology (Right Technology). That’s a great start, but here’s another tip for avoiding resin flooring headaches: be “project ready”.

Being prepared helps everything run smoothly

Being well prepared, or getting project ready as I call it, will have a big influence on how smoothly things run. If the installation of resin floors was somehow compared to an engine, this kind of preparation would be the oil; avoiding friction and helping individual parts perform at their peak!

How can I help with my resin floor?

How does one become project ready? Well, if you’re managing the project it basically boils down to taking responsibility for some important “housekeeping” matters that are pretty easy to overlook, yet make a big difference to the quality of the resin floor you end up with and the success of the project overall. Examples include: effectively organising the various trades on site, clearing and cleaning the work area in readiness for installation, helping restrict access during application, making sure power and lighting is available, and sealing off openings to prevent other workers, dust and bugs from entering.

A footprint in a resin floor, which is the sort of thing that can happen in clients are project ready.

Sticking to schedule

Closely linked to good preparation is the issue of turnaround. The fact is, by being project ready you’ll have the best chance of running to schedule and sticking to planned shutdown periods. This is extremely important with resin flooring – and any trade for that matter – because if contractors are squeezed for time, shortcuts become very tempting and mistakes can start to creep in.

Just as a final note to consider, being project ready as I’ve described above clearly benefits everyone involved. If, on the other hand, you’re completely unprepared and responsible for lengthy delays, it’s the contractor who ultimately misses out. They have committed to your project in advance and can’t be fairly expected to lose a day of work, or more, if the site isn’t ready.

Take care and keep smiling,
